**** Female Bigots: 'Aryan' Women Online ****
The appearance of a set of hate sites with contents created specifically by and for extremist women, such as Her Race, Women for Aryan Unity, and World Church of the Creator Women's Frontier, heralds a new development in online hate. By speaking up and working to define their own roles in the white supremacist "movement," these female extremists have appropriated feminism's struggle for women to be heard for the despicable purpose of spreading intolerance.
Some hateful women on the Web echo the positions promoted by their male counterparts: opposition to non-whites, hatred of miscegenation, and anger at "anti-White" control of the media.
From the Her Race Web site, which is housed at Don Black's Stormfront, comes "Gaia: Everyone's Mother" by Inga Niteau. Niteau declares, "Whites are facing extinction as more non-Whites reproduce and invade our lands." She asserts that "Whites have a right to have many more children than non-Caucasians."
"Lights, Camera, Action," by Lisa Turner, declares that "White people are subjected to anti-White images via television and motion pictures" because "the enemy forces have total control of the film world and movie-making business." Turner dreams of a "White people's 'Oscars'" at which whites "all sit together in a dazzling hall and applaud as our enemies do now for their lackeys."
Though these articles bear some resemblance to those created by racist men, most women's hate tracts focus on discussions about proper roles for extremist females. Interestingly, the positions voiced at these sites mirror those expressed in conventional discussions about women's roles in mainstream society, contrasting "stay-at-home" mothers with working women.
Like their male counterparts, extremist women on the Web deny that Blacks, Jews and other minorities are equal to whites. Yet many extremist women argue that they themselves should be given the same consideration as white men in the workplace. By joining the workforce, these women believe they can better aid the white supremacist "movement."
At the Her Race Web site, Nancy Jensen, who claims to be "a staunch National-socialist female majoring in pre-medicine at an Ivy League institution," explains that she does not "intend to solely raise children and be a house-wife." Describing staying at home in an extremely denigrating and anti-Semitic way, she states:
Nature intended that women use their brains to advance their race...For comrades to suggest that women squelch this natural instinct by solely being a house-wife, they are acting unAryan and clearly violating laws of Nature. I mean look at the Talmud the Jews are the ones who advocate treating women as breeding tools and property. How dare NS [National Socialist] comrades stoop to the level of the Jews in such a manner.
Also at the Her Race Web site, Jane Burton presents an article about appropriate "Careers for White Women," such as "Lawyer," "Human Resources Worker," "Advertising Writer," and "Real Estate Agent." Telling women "the White race needs" their help, Burton writes, "You need to work; so work in the right
By speaking up and working to define their own roles in the white supremacist 'movement,' these female extremists have appropriated feminism's struggle for women to be heard for the despicable purpose of spreading intolerance. |
direction!" She asks, "What well-paying, interesting jobs could you choose that would most advance your race?"
Many other racist women suggest that females should be equal partners in the extremists' struggle, even when that struggle involves violent action. Nancy Jensen believes that women who would choose to lead the "movement" on the battlefield should be given the opportunity to do so. "As for the issue of women physically defending their race or country," she writes, "if they possess that desire and ability, than [sic] they should go for it."
Other sections of the Her Race Web site also promote female extremist political activism. "Diana, Love of a Princess" by Lisa Turner recognizes "the unique power a woman can have in the political world." Writing without any apparent sense of irony, Turner states that the white supremacist "movement" "desperately needs more women" because "women can represent nurturing, love, reaching out, touching, bridging a gap, and bringing a gentle, diplomatic approach to the problems at hand."
Sharron Edwards, writing at the Web site of the fascist British National Party, encourages "less faint-hearted women to stand as candidates" for public office. Though she claims not to be "just another passenger on the feminist bandwagon," she believes it "only right that women join our men in the battle to alleviate the perils of the present age" and sees "the contesting of elections" as "inevitably an important part of the struggle."
Even some bigoted sites created by men promote active female participation in the "movement." Thom Robb's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Web site features an "Aryan Women's Page" that boasts, "the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan under the leadership of David Duke was the first Klan organization to include women in its general membership." The Australian Revolutionary Movement (ARM) Web site declares, "If a woman has the desire to serve her nation in an active service role, she should be encouraged, if she desires to work alongside her male comrades, she should be commended." ARM also suggests that "if a woman can defeat a man in combat, then the woman should be revered."
In contrast, other Internet documents composed by women promote child rearing and other "domestic" tasks as women's greatest contribution to the "movement," echoing Hitler's view that women should focus on "Kirche, Küche, Kinder" (church, kitchen, children).
While some articles at the Her Race Web site promote extremist women's political activism, others advocate more "traditional" female roles. For instance, Kate Bell offers a detailed account of childbirth in "Birth of a White Child," asserting that she's "actually doing something that helps our cause" by giving birth to white children. "Race Mixing," an article by "Zennia," urges white women to stay away from non-white males.
The Women for Aryan Unity Web site urges racist women to "stand by" their husbands by keeping their homes and providing for their "comfort." These women are upset that they have been taught they "are no longer needed in the home as wives and mothers" and angered that they "have been forced to compete with men for the males' jobs."
Calling for women to balance domestic duties and white supremacist activism, World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), a pseudo-theological extremist group that attacks Christianity, Judaism, Blacks and immigrants with equal vehemence, has made a special effort to reach out to females. WCOTC has created three Web sites devoted to women: WCOTC Sisterhood, Pulcher Candidus Dea ("Beautiful White Goddess"), and the extensive Women's Frontier Web site. The Women's Frontier site is coordinated by "Sister" Lisa Turner, who has also written articles for Her Race and Aryan Female Homestead Web sites.
In a document at that site entitled "The Woman's Role in The World Church of the Creator," Turner outlines the group's position on women. She explains that WCOTC sees the white woman primarily as "mother to beautiful White children" but also points out that women, like men, "can become Reverends and rise to positions of influence" in the Church. Turner believes WCOTC "must utilize all the talent, all the brainpower and man and womanpower" it can get because most of "the White male population has completely and utterly abdicated and abandoned their responsibility to defend the Race." If this was not the case, she feels that women "wouldn't be needed to step into front-line, defensive positions at all."
Significantly, Turner singles out Internet propagandizing as a way that women can serve as mothers and activists at the same time. "For the first time in the history of racial activism, women with children can get on the Internet and promote Creativity without ever leaving home or taking away from their family responsibilities," she writes. "This technology can be utilized by women at all stages of life our young mothers, our older women activists who have acquired organizing abilities and skills, and our teenage young women who are learning about their racial identity."
The Women's Frontier Web site tries to motivate the Church's female members, calling for Women's Frontier "chapter leaders." The site features interviews with women "Creators" (as the Church's members call themselves); articles glorifying "white" women (such as Queen Isabella, who ordered the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, and Hypatia of Alexandria, the only recorded female scholar in the ancient world); and a section entitled "The Mud Chronicles," which recounts "the bizarre, disgusting and criminal behavior of the inferior mud races," i.e. Blacks, Asians, and other non-whites. Additionally, the site provides "The Creator Connection," a "service designed to link Women Creators around the world with each other so that they may share ideas, projects and provide mutual support and Comradeship for one another."
In addition to its sites devoted to racist females, World Church of the Creator has established an impressive, well-designed stable of hateful Web sites that are not gender-specific, from WCOTC Teens to Skinheads of the Racial Holy War.