Welcome to our interactive forum and portal
A general web portal that explores the idea that the web can be a space in which knowledge, point of views, fun, music and otherwise, is produced and not simply posted or diffused. It will achieve this through a general point of view about music, games, pics, poetry, jokes, recieps, games and our interactive forum with related debates generated by our open web portal where YOU and other members are be invited to participate.
As a new user please register yourself to explore our world. Its easy and take only few seconds to sign. Our site will continue to evolve on a regular basis (almost weekly). You will be able to follow us through our own brainstorming and design evolution for this portal. You are welcome to inform us your comments, suggestions, and/or send us your own articles, reviews, syllabus, musical expectations, or other "thought" that you believe will be a "must have" for our potal. Thanks again and now have fun. Forum & Portal Team
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  • admin: 3 737 days time left
  • Jouley: 5 375 days time left
  • Kathy: 5 532 days time left
  • Joannn: 5 659 days time left
  • -strupp2-: 5 734 days time left
  • seleck: 5 903 days time left
  • Sofia: 5 933 days time left
  • Shyster: 6 016 days time left
  • Sree: 6 679 days time left
  • alicem: 6 698 days time left
  • Sarah: 6 698 days time left
  • -ll-forgotten-ll-: 6 723 days time left
  • ackermann: 6 739 days time left
  • mrmeissner: 6 774 days time left
  • Willowbay35: 6 786 days time left
  • _Silent_Scream_: 6 788 days time left
  • sixx: 6 789 days time left
  • synjyn1: 6 819 days time left
  • grasshoppergb: 6 836 days time left
  • seano: 6 886 days time left

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